Selasa, 03 April 2012

How To Reduce Global Warming

The following are tips that are simple but very useful if we do it regularly. These tips to reduce global warming is already divided into several categories that can allow you to remember in implementing it.

ü  Food and Beverage Sector
1.     Reduce consumption of meat
Based on research, to produce 1 kg of meat, the resources spent on the equivalent of 15 kg of wheat. Livestock are also contributing 18% "carbon footprint" of the world, which is greater than the transportation sector (cars, motorcycles, planes, etc.). Not to mention the dangers of greenhouse gases generated by the additional aktiitas other livestock such as methane is in fact 3 times more potent than CO2 and NO gas is 300 times more potent than CO2.
2.     Eat and cook from fresh ingredients
Avoid foods that are processed or packaged will reduce wasted energy and transport due process repeated.
3.     Buy local products
Local agricultural products are very cheap and also very energy saving, especially if we calculate the energy and transportation costs. Organic food is more environmentally friendly, but also check their home. If imported from other regions, possibly resulting carbon emissions would outweigh the benefits.
4.     Recycling aluminum, plastic, and paper
5.     Turn off the oven a few minutes before the time
If it is left closed, then the heat will not be lost.
6.     Avoid fast food
Fast food is the world's largest producer of waste. Besides the consumption of fast food is also bad for your health.
7.     Bring a reusable bag
8.     Use washable cups
9.     Shop at your neighborhood
10.   Planting trees every chance.

ü  At Home
1.     Lower the temperature of your air conditioner
Use the AC at the level until you feel comfortable enough alone. And prevent leakage of your air-conditioned room. Do not let any gap that opens when you are using your air conditioner because it will make the AC work harder to cool your room.
2.     Use a timer to avoid forgot to turn off the AC
Use a timer according to your habits. For example, your office hours are 8.00 am to 17.00. Set your air conditioner timer according to the office hours. That way no more forget to turn off the unit until the incident the next day.
3.     Use of solar water heaters
4.     Turn off unused lights and do not leave the water dripping
5.     Use energy saving bulbs.
6.     Maximize natural lighting from.
7.     Avoid positioning your electronics on stand-by
8.     If recharging your batteries are full, immediately unplug
9.     Reduce time in opening your refrigerator
For every minute you open the refrigerator door. Will be required 3 minutes full of energy to restore the refrigerator temperature to the desired temperature.
10.   Do not buy cut flowers
If your area is not an ornamental flower, it stands to reason that flowers are sent from elsewhere. This would result in "carbon footprint" is great.
11.   Cut food in a smaller size
The size of the smaller pieces will use less energy to cook.
12.   Use cold water to wash and wash them in large quantities
If you have a small family, it is not necessary to wash every day. Gather up your washing machine capacity is met, this will save water, reduce electricity consumption and also reduce the pollution due to your detergent.
13.   Use environmentally friendly detergents and cleaners
14.   Use the re-furnishing your home
15.   Donate a toy that is not appropriate for your child's age
16.   If using a deodorant or other spray products, do not use aerosol
Spray with a choice of glass bottles would be better. Aerosol is also a big contributor to the pollution of our air.

Reference :

Conclusion :
Global warming is a major issue for the world. have a lot of the impact of global warming that we feel, such as volatile weather, the sun's heat was terrible, etc.. however, global warming will not be resolved if the lack of awareness of ourselves. one small example of that is also very useful for reducing global warming by turning off lights and electrical appliances when not needed. Let us protect our planet by doing little things like that mentioned above.

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